Updates from Moldova & Malawi
Dear Friends, Malawi is in the middle of rainy season with limited access to the villages. It is the time for planning our work for the...
Christmas Greeting 2018
Merry Christmas from Eric & Stephanie Chapman: To recap our year, we spent the first 6 months on a long over due furlough. It was great...

Bible Institute Graduation 2018
Dear Friends and Supporters: This is a very busy month in Moldova, as we finish up the Bible Institute and get prepared for summer camp....
Camp is Approaching
Dear Friends, April 2018...
Letter from the Road
Dear Friends, First...

End of Year Update
MOLDOVA: We turned the operations of the camp and school ministries over to the Moldovans this past summer. I remain on the board, and...

Pastors School, Conferences & Clinics
Dear Friends, The Lord has blessed our year as missionaries. In Africa we started 21 new churches and our evangelistic teams preached to...

Bible Institute in Moldova
We have had a great summer in Moldova! Thousands of youth attended the camps this year and many were saved. Thank you for your prayers...

Evangelizing in Moldova and Malawi
Dear Friends and Supporters, We have been very busy the past two months. At the end of April and first of May we had two weeks of...