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Upcoming Summer Ministries

Bible Institute Graduation

Graduation was Friday, May 24th. We graduated 16 students this year. Pray for these fine young people as they go out to serve the Lord in their local churches as youth directors, teachers, church planters, and missionaries.

Siberian Outreach

We are sending 6 of our students and our camp program director Mihia Sinococh to Krasnoyarsk, Siberia to run day camps for the local churches there during the month of June. Pray for this team as they start a mission to reach souls for the Lord.

Moldovan Camps

Camp will begin soon in Moldova. We have invited 2400 youth this summer to come and hear the Gospel. We are trusting God for power to preach His Word, for souls saved, and for the funds to provide the needs of these young people. We have invited churches from southern Moldova who have not been to our camp before and are expecting them to bring many unsaved youth. We need $15 per young person; please pray for the supply of the Lord.

Day camps in Moldova

Our students are heading out to villages & towns of Moldova this summer. Our goal is to take the exciting camp program to the young people that can’t come to the over-night camp in order that we might preach the Gospel to them. Pray that God will help us in this new ministry and that many will hear the Word of God.

Malawi Ministries

Stephanie and I are heading to Africa May 27th. We will be taking a day camp program to 20 villages and towns this coming June. We are expecting thousands to hear the Gospel through this endeavor. In July we have another school for pastors and church leaders. We will also survey the possibility of putting in a medical clinic in the Lower Shire region of Malawi. We still need funding for the Malawian summer ministries; please pray for the supply of the Lord.

Dr. Eric Chapman

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