Summer Ministries in Malawi & Moldova
Our summer activities are coming to a close, and we couldn’t be more thrilled about what God has done. The mission has worked on three continents, preached the Gospel to 13,000 people this summer, and seen 3,000 professions of faith. We have learned how best to use the day camp ministry and are excited about the future.

Malawi Ministries
In Africa we had a big summer. We preached to about 8,000 in the villages where our newer churches are located. Many of our lay pastors are doing a great Job. We had two schools for 120 pastors. There were more that wanted to come, but we did not enough funds for all the new church leaders to attend. We have an opportunity to buy a house next to Pastor Gama’s church for $15,000. This house would be sufficient to house pastors and allow us to run more schools for the men. We need a building if we are going to make a decent place to house the men during the teaching and training. To date we have 10% of the price in hand, please consider this a project to help us reach Malawi with the Gospel.
Siberian Day Camps
Mihai reported good results from the Siberian mission, and he can’t wait to lead the team next summer. We have several local churches there ready to assist us in founding a mission, and one of our Bible Institute graduates is considering going full-time as a missionary to Siberia. It also appears the door is open to other cities in the region and even into Mongolia. I will be going there, Lord willing, in October to plan next year’s work. So far this is the out come we were hoping and praying for when we sent the team there in June.
Camps in Moldova
Camps went very well this summer in Moldova. A total of 2500 youth have attended the camps with about half that number making a profession of faith in Christ. The day camp ministry here in Moldova is just developing and we are happy with the results of this first summer.
Pray for Us
We can work on three continents because we have invested in the lives of Christians ministering here in Moldova, but we need your prayers as we work for the Lord in all these places. Please pray:
We are greatly short of funds as we open the school in September. $50 a month will sponsor a student.
Our mission is open to students and teams coming from the States to help with the day camps in Africa and Moldova.
We need to buy the house for the pastors’ school dormitory in Malawi.
Dr. Eric Chapman