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Excited about the Ministry of the Lord

We have been in Moldova for six weeks, and we’re excited about what God is doing here in Eastern Europe. Why am I so excited about the Christian Camp Ministry in Moldova?

  • The camp ministry is about Souls for Jesus. We have seen over 25,000 professions of faith in Christ here in the camps.

  • This ministry has lead to the discipleship of thousands of youth. We have started a Bible school here as a result of this ministry and most of our students were saved in the camp.

  • Souls saved and discipled lead to missions and church planting. We know many youth that have gone out as missionaries and church planters as a result of being saved in the camps. Our own students are going now and starting churches. Some are looking to mission fields such as Siberia.

We are boosting the camp program to attract more youth next summer. Here are some exciting opportunities for you and your church.

  • English Camp! We need Americans to come not only need teacher but to converse in. This would be a great chance to share your faith with young people who are open to the Gospel.

  • Sports Camp! We need sportsmen to teach their specialty. Churches and schools could bring their soccer, basketball, or volleyball teams over for a week or more. Both girls and boys teams would be welcome.

  • Camper Sponsors: We need youth groups and vacation Bible schools to help with sponsoring youth to come and hear the Gospel in camp. Moldova is Europe’s poorest country, but it is also Europe’s most open country to the Gospel.

We need your help next summer. How can you help:

  • COME and participate in the camp ministry. The English and Sports camps will be in July. Our camps will be that much better if American Christians come using their English and sports skills while sharing the Gospel.

  • PRAY for us as we have struggled of late to find the funds to operate on a high level. Pray that souls will be saved. Pray that we here in Moldova will have wisdom to overcome the enemy of the Gospel.

  • GIVE to help us with the cost. The youth who come to camp pay half the cost and their own transport. We need to find an additional $20 per camper. Even with this amount there is very little left to make improvements and maintain. Our Bible students work in the camps in exchange for school fees. So we also need sponsors for 45 students. Now we have 19 sponsors, so the need is great.

All great efforts require work, prayer, and financing. Please consider helping in 2015. The results for heaven will be greater than you can imagine.

Dr. Eric Chapman

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