Schools in Malawi

We had two pastors’ schools since January. The schools averaged 150 pastors attending. These schools are very important to the growth of the mission. We have had heavy rains this year that has hindered my ability to travel. I have met with all of our pastors and laid out the work for the next few months.
Please pray for these ministries in Malawi.
1) We are beginning our Medical Clinics this month. We will be helping our church people and preaching the Gospel to the unsaved who attend the clinics.
2) We are beginning our Women’s Meetings. My wife will be teaching women how to start Sunday Schools in their village churches. This is a very important ministry for the spiritual growth of our churches.
3) In a few months we will start our Day Camp ministry again. We hope to send out 10 teams of youth lead by a preacher to evangelize their own people. This ministry will aid the churches and the potential church plants.
4) Our School Building is close to the roofline. I have two teams coming to help with completing the building. A roofing team from Pensacola is coming in June. A second team is coming in July to put in the electrical and build beds. We need financial help with the beds: $50 builds a bed and puts a mattress on it. Please pray for this need.
5) Our next Pastor’s School will be in June.
Prayer Requests
The Land Cruiser we plan to buy for the medical clinics has been held up due to the government not giving us tax exemption. We have made all the applications and there is no reason for this delay. To pay for the Land Cruiser without the exemption we need another $10,000. We have until Wednesday next week to get the exemption or pay the extra tax or lose the opportunity to buy this Cruiser.
Camp funds are urgently needed in Moldova.
Moldovan Camp
Moldova is in economic crisis this year. The Moldovan currency, the lei, is in free fall against the dollar, going from 12.5 lei a dollar to 19.5 lei. The campers have been paying a small fee, but what we can charge is not enough to off set the total cost. We are in great need of raising $50,000 for campers this summer. This is about half the cost to send youth to camp. The cost to supplement one child or teen to camp is $20. I urge your youth groups and Vacation Bible Schools to take on campers in Moldova this summer. We have a great opportunity to help youth come to camp and hear the Gospel. Last year 60% of those who attended camp accepted Christ as Savior. Please pray for this important need and help, if you can.
Thank you for your prayers and support. We are doing all we can for souls for Christ.