Summer Updates

Summer Camp Roundup:
We ended the camps on a high note with our Christian Teen Conference having 250 attend. There were many who dedicated their lives to Christ and 60 who received Christ as Savior. In all, we had about 2,000 young people attend camps this summer with about 1,200 accepting the Lord.
Bible Institute Opening:
The Bible school opened on August 31st with 40 students. One of our new students is a young man named Vadim who knew about God, but had not received Christ until this summer at the Teen Conference. There he decided to turn to Christ for salvation. He had a few guns in his car and was headed on a path that might have destroyed his life. He and our camp director destroyed the guns and he then enrolled in our Bible Institute. Praise The Lord for the power of God to change lives!
Introducing New Missionary: Audra Kennedy. She has been here before as a helper, but she has come by faith to join our Bible Institute staff, helping with women’s ministries and teaching English. Pray that God would give her the financial support needed to live and do the work in Moldova.
Day Camp Roundup:
In Malawi, the Day Camps finished with 40,000 persons hearing the Gospel and about 8,000 professions of faith in our Lord Jesus. These camps have been in areas where we have churches and many new believers are now attending church as a result of the camps. In some cases we are moving to start new churches where there were camps but no church. We praise God for the harvest of souls in Malawi.
Upcoming Ministries:
In the months ahead we will be very busy in Malawi. 1) We will be running 20 medical clinics. 2) We will also be holding schools for women to continue to train Sunday School teachers for our churches. 3) We will be having another pastors’ school in November. I will be teaching from 1 John; pray for the pastors as they learn the Word.