Medical Clinics in Malawi

Malawi: Mobile Medical Clinics
This past month has been as busy as any that I can remember. We have run 17 mobile medical clinics in 23 days. The last 11 clinics have been in the Lower Shire where the weather is a big problem for our team. It was 100 to 110 degrees most days. Several of us got sick including yours truly. The best part is that we preached the Good News that Jesus Saves to about 5,000 people and treated almost 4,000. This is why we do it: so we can help the poorest of the poor with health issues and share the Love of Christ with them. Besides malaria, we have seen some terrible skin problems and a range of respiratory and infectious diseases. In general we were seeing people who just have no access to medicine. I wonder if it is much like the days when Jesus walked the earth.
Malawi: Pastors’ School
Starting this week and into next week, we have two pastors’ schools. We will be training about 150 to 200 men. We will be using our building in Zomba for the first time. The building is not finished yet, but it is far enough along to be used. Pray we can find the funds to finish the building soon. I mentioned I was sick; it takes me a while to get over these African flus or whatever it is. Pray for me as I teach the next two weeks.
Moldova: Bible Institute
I am so grateful for the work in Moldova. The students we have are out every weekend working in children’s clubs, street evangelism, and visiting and encouraging local churches with the choir. Our school in Moldova is exactly as it should be: a place of learning, ministry, and praise.