Evangelizing in Moldova and Malawi

Dear Friends and Supporters,
We have been very busy the past two months. At the end of April and first of May we had two weeks of Pastor’s School. Those two weeks were the best schools we have had in my time here in Malawi. The spirit was just incredible. There were over 150 men in the two schools. Over the past two years, every school has at least three new church plant leaders in attendance. It has been exciting to see the men grow in the Lord. Just as incredible is the number of new churches being started by our evangelistic teams.
We just finished a month of medical clinics in May and June. The crowds have been large, so we hired an additional doctor. We saw 3,500 patients and saw over 240 saved. After each preaching, we now have a counselor available for those who want to receive the Lord. We have been faithful to preach a clear Gospel and keep the counselor busy in most of the 15 clinics. We are also starting to see the churches grow as a result of the clinics. This is an awesome ministry to help the people in the bush. Pray that many will receive the Lord as we continue this important ministry.
In July-September our Malawian evangelist teams are heading out into the bush with Day Camps. These are the pastors and men who received the bicycles that some of you gave toward. These teams will preach to thousands and many will be saved. Pray for these men as they go out serving the Lord.
Right now there is a small team of Americans and nationals putting a roof on our second mission house. This house should be ready for a new mission family by next year. On Saturday, Stephanie and I are heading to Moldova until mid-September. We are looking forward to a great summer of camp and then the start of our Bible Institute. We still need funds for youth and children to come to camp. It costs only $20 to help a youth to come to camp. Many of those who come have not heard the Gospel. Pray for our counselors and preachers as they convey the Gospel to the children. Pray for funding so we can reach many youth with the Gospel.
Our national Moldovans are doing a great job in the camp and school. I think the future looks great in Moldova.
Pray for Malawi and Moldova,
Dr. Eric Chapman