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Malawi Floods and More

Dear Friends,

I don’t like starting with bad news, but we need your prayers in Malawi. Last week we had four straight days of heavy tropical rains and much of the southern region of Malawi is flooded. I tried to reach our Lower Shire property last Friday, but due to mudslides, I could not get off the mountain. If I had been able to pass, I would have faced the scene in this photo of a totally flooded road and valley. Many of our churches and church people have lost everything. Please pray for Malawi.

In February we held two weeks of pastors’ schools. This was the first school with exams for the pastors. Many of our men have little formal education. Still about 25 men passed the exam, and we have 50 more who will retake the exam before the next schools. This is a great first step in our mission to fully educate our pastors in the Word of God. We were planning a Sunday School training conference this month, but we have had to postpone it due to the flooding. The implementation of children’s classes into our local churches had made a great difference.

This coming Friday I will be going to Moldova. I have to get dental work done the first week. The next week, I will preach the mid semester rival meetings at the University and at our Bible Institute. At the end of that week, I will travel to Uzbekistan for 8 days and will meet with church leaders there. We are investigating how we can best assist them in ministry-training. We have students from the University and Bible Institute that desire to do missionary work in Central Asia, in those we sometimes label the “Stan” countries. Our goal is to assist both the local ministries and our graduates as they labor together for the cause of Christ.

In Malawi our team is preparing for clinics and public-school evangelism, which will all start up in April. Pray for these efforts. We are excited to be having several visitors from the States to help with these ministries.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

Dr. Eric Chapman

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