Malawi & Moldova Updates
Dear Friends,
Too much time has passed since my last prayer letter! In March, my trip to Central Asia provided opportunities to preach in underground churches and to meet with many of our Moldovan Bible school graduates and their pastors. This experience has allowed us to build a ministry strategy to help them start more churches and be more effective with sharing the Gospel in a hostile culture.
A few days after my arrival back in Malawi, my wife’s father, David Lautner, went home to be with the Lord. He was 87 and had been declining for the last several months. Through friends, God provided the funds for Stephanie go to the States and support her mother and be with her family as they honored and celebrated her dad's life.
While Stephanie was gone I picked up the slack and supported our new missionary nurse, Kiki Cunningham, in her first round of clinics. She is doing a marvelous job. Evangelist Micah Self is also here helping me with the preaching. The clinics are going well; we have seen a number of souls saved. I am grateful Stephanie is back for the hard work of running the next two weeks of clinics!

Please pray for a new ministry we are starting here! The report on our new outreach into the public high schools is that it was a great success. We have been in two schools, and we are praising God for the response. Of course, some of the headmasters don’t want us, because we are preaching the Gospel, but many others are welcoming us. We are scheduled to be in several more schools in the next few days!
In June, July and August, we will be supporting our ministries in Moldova. Please consider being a part of our great summer of Gospel outreach to youth in these camps. A $20 donation will help a child or teenager attend camp. Each year many youth hear the Gospel for the first time and accept Christ. Please pray for this evangelistic effort. We will help coordinate the fall opening of the Bible Institute classes toward the end of our stay in Eastern Europe.
And finally, we have had an overwhelming response to our appeal for relief funds for the flood victims of Malawi. We will start next week buying food and shortly after distributing to the most needy. Thank you for your generous heart toward the poorest of this earth’s children.
As you see we are very busy and always trying to get the Gospel to the Lost. We appreciate support with funds where you can, but especially pray for us.
God Bless,
Dr. Eric Chapman