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Ukrainian War & Refugees

Dear Friends,                                                                                                                                                     March 5, 2022


We sent you a video yesterday about the situation here in Moldova and the relief efforts. It was surreal, as Stephanie and I drove into Moldova Thursday evening and saw the mass exodus leaving the country and entering Romania.  Tens of thousands of refugees are fleeing further west. We counted hundreds of cars and buses at just the one border-crossing we used.

When we arrived at our own camp property, we found more than 100 refugees being helped. Many more have come and gone, as they continue their westward trek. Mihai, our director, showed us the work to install radiators in the dormitory and provide more heated space. We walked through the cafeteria and saw all the food and clothes donated by local churches and believers: what a blessing. In the cellar there are tons of donated potatoes, carrots, and onions. Many more supplies have been purchased through the donations from our supporters. We have discovered other refugee needs which require cash: some need fuel to continue their journey west; some have medical needs; and funds are required to help some who were forced to flee without documents.


Of course, spiritual needs are always a priority for us, many are not believers. Some of them are Orthodox but lack understanding of the Gospel. So, we share our faith. All of them are traumatized and need love and comfort. So, we counsel as needed and have prayer meetings every night. Our Bible Institute classes have been canceled for now, but most of our students volunteered to stay and serve the refugees. These will be lessons that go beyond the classroom as they share their faith and listen to the stories of those who have suffered and experienced loss. Our students don’t have to say much, but they are willingly giving their service, hugs, and tears. That is enough for a weary refugee who has left behind everything… for many this includes leaving behind their husbands and fathers.


The future here is uncertain. Will this madness end soon or spread to Moldova? The fear here is that this will become a major European war, and Moldova will be in the middle of it. We are sure of only one thing: Jesus. Our faith must be rooted and grounded in Him who saved our souls, and only He can save our bodies from destruction.


Last night was the first good night sleep I have had since leaving the States over a week ago. I’m at peace; I’m home; I’m back where I started. We first came to Moldova in 1993, after the first civil war with Russia here in 1992; perhaps we are here for the second war. Keep praying for peace.


God Bless,

Eric Chapman



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