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Updates from Moldova & C.A.

Dear Praying Friends,                                                                                      May 11, 2022 

My trip to Uzbekistan was a success. I was able to meet new people which will help us in the cause of Christ and to see our team in action. We have a great plan for camp in Kyrgyzstan and the extreme camps in Uzbekistan. Pray for the supply of the Lord in both. We have some of the funds for the backpacking equipment, but there are equipment needs. I will forward the newsletter from our team in Uzbekistan to you when it’s ready. 

After I arrived home, we had a big youth rally at the Moldovan camp. There were about 800 persons in attendance! It was a great time and many youth where encouraged. We are now working to organize and prepare for this summer’s camps, both in Vatici and the Northern of Moldova. We expect full camps; we are limited to 4 weeks this year and are expecting about 1,000 youth to attend. 

The reason for limiting camps is as follows. We don’t know where the Ukraine war is heading. If Odessa continues to come under attack, then we will either have smaller camps or no camp because our facilities could be full of refugees. We cannot turn away the refugees. Right now, we have over 100 persons with one third being children. 

Furlough: I’m scheduling for Furlough starting this month. I will be free from January through April 2023. I will also start again from September of that year. 

Pray for my health. I had pericarditis in January 2020; I feel like it is returning. I’m having heart palpitations on a regular basis. Also pray for the camps that souls will be saved, and we will have the funds needed. And finally, for the refuges, all of them want to go home. Pray for peace. 

Here is an attached video:

God Bless,

Eric Chapman D.D.


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