Year Summary
Dear Friends, December 27, 2023
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and holiday season. This has been an interesting year as we got back to normal ministries after the pandemic.
In Moldova we saw the last of our Ukrainian refugees return to their homes or make new lives in another country. The Bible School continued and graduated four students in May. We had five weeks of camp this summer. Things started to look a bit normal as the youth came back to camp with great enthusiasm. Many young people were saved, and we rejoiced in all of God’s goodness. Pray with us as Stephanie and I are preparing the team to take complete responsibility for the Moldovan ministry in June of 2024. We are excited to see what God will do there in the future.
In September, we moved back to Malawi and worked in the village ministries. We hope within the next few years to see Malawians in leadership there also. In my next few letters, I will outline what we are doing in Malawi to make the ministry self-supporting.
Upon arriving in Malawi in September, I began holding regional revival meetings; most of these meetings had 300 to 500 people in attendance. Our national ministers and I shared in the preaching. Our emphasis focused on putting away their traditional gods and following only Jesus. The results were beyond our expectations. We are seeing a moving of the Spirit in Southern Malawi greater than we have ever seen before. I called a special meeting of the pastors a few weeks ago, and we determined as a group to fast on Fridays from morning to evening and pray for revival of the nation. We will continue these effective revival meetings in March or April, when the rainy season is over. Could you pray with us every Friday that God’s Spirit will work in the hearts of the people of Malawi?
Stephanie and I will be taking our next furlough in June 2024 through February 2025. If your church has not scheduled us to come, please contact me. We will have an exciting video and a message full of the testimony of God’s work on the mission field.
God Bless,
Eric Chapman D.D.